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Here is our very own Winter Density Lettuce, or (year-round lettuce). This Lettuce is like a cross between Romaine and Butter Crunch Lettuce. Winter Density lettuce is known to be heat and frost tolerant - ideal for growing all season long. Needs cold temps to germinate but will continue to grow all season. Dark green leaves grow over 9" long. Can be harvested as leaf lettuce or whole head.

Count: 1g or 200 seeds
Before germinating store seeds in the refrigerator over night
Day to Maturity | 30 days (small head of lettuce) to 60 days (full head of lettuce)
Full Sun
Easy to grow
Depth - 1 inch deep
Spacing - for leaf harvest spread seed in a layer - for head lettuce space 12 inches apart

MB's Winter Density Lettuce

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