MB's Farm & Amish Community Tour
Get ready for one AMAZING time!
Come take a very relaxing tour of our 2nd generational homestead, & The Beautiful Sabriel Lake Farm, eat fresh produce from our organic gardens. Pet the baby goats, feed the chickens and baby chicks, take canning or gardening classes, go paddle boating, fishing

Our Story
MB Heritage is a second generational homestead that thrives on being as self sufficient as possible and only trading/supporting our local farmers for goods we dont produce on our farm. We use old gardening and food preservation techniques that has been handed down from hundreds of generation while intergrating new modern ideas. By combining these ways of new and traditional living, we have made our path of life to be more healthy, self reliant, and prepared for most anything.
Come and let us teach you a healthier, self - sustainable lifestyle, OR JUST COME RELAX AND HAVE SOME FUN!
Fishing exibitions and classes
Canning/Waterbath Classes
Chicken raising/processing Classes
Gardening Classes
Farm Fresh Eggs
Frehshly Harvested Canned Goods
Fresh Vegetables
Fresh Cut Flowers
Heirloom Seeds
Hanging Baskets and Plants Starts
Goats Soap
Fishing Lures
Handmade desserts
Creamery Products
Air BnB Bed and Breakfast
Paddle Boats
Baby Goat Yoga
Nature Walks
Farm Animal Exhibits
Amish Community Tours
Huge open Greenhouse
Cabin Rentals
Tour The Hobbit Cottage (click pic)
Our Farm & Community

Take Canning & Gardening Classes when in season